Incorporating Accutane into Customized Acne Treatments

June 26, 2017

If you have severe acne that is putting you at risk for permanent scarring and your treatment program has not produced satisfactory results, our doctor may incorporate Accutane into your acne treatments. It is derived from vitamin A and is used to inhibit the production of oil in the skin by the oil-producing glands.

Acne does not affect every individual in the same way. In addition, not every individual responds to the same type of acne the same way either. This is why it is important to seek professional treatment for any acne that does not go away promptly after trying products that you can buy from the store. What seems like a basic case of acne that is limited to pimples and blackheads can progress to the point of causing permanent scarring if it is not brought under control.

Comedonal acne is the basic type that is known for the presence of blackheads and whiteheads. Most people can keep it at bay with a combination of good hygiene and some decent over-the-counter medications. However, if you have a case of acne that does not respond to this approach, you should go ahead and seek help from our dermatologist to learn about the different types of acne treatments. You do not want to assume the risks associated with letting it progress to a more serious type.

Inflammatory acne is that which causes some reddening of the skin, often accompanied by itching and burning. It is more difficult to control than comedonal acne. Not only will getting professional treatment minimize the risk of complications, but it will also enable patients to get over the discomforts produced by it much quicker.

When inflammatory acne becomes infected, cystic acne will develop. This is the most serious type and must be treated immediately to prevent scarring. Once acne scars form, they are likely to be permanent. The only way to remove them is with some type of skin resurfacing therapy.

Our specialist may first try a variety of acne treatments to bring your cystic acne under control. We may utilize light therapy to help kill the acne-causing bacteria. Some antibiotics may also be prescribed in addition to any topical ointments that are used.

If your acne does not respond to these treatments, Accutane may be added to the existing therapy. It is a medication that is usually in pill form and is taken twice a day for 15-20 weeks. There is enough of a residual effect after stopping the medication that the acne does not have to be completely gone to discontinue it. If, however, it flares up again after a few months have passed, the doctor may prescribe a second round of it.
If you are prescribed this medication, you should be sure to read the precautionary information that is provided with it. Women who are taking Accutane should not become pregnant.

If you have a stubborn case of acne, ask us if you are a good candidate for Accutane at Dr. Yeoman’s Dermatology Office. If you are, it may be your best bet for getting it under control before you end up with permanent scars. Acne treatments come in many forms; contact us at either of our offices in Poplar Bluff, MO or Paragould, AR to find out if Accutane is right for you.

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