Common Reasons to Seek Acne Treatment
Acne can vary among individuals in its type and level of seriousness. There are even times when acne can develop to the point that it will cause permanent scarring. In other cases, the effects will be short-term, but will nevertheless have a negative impact on life while the condition is present. As such, many people decide to seek professional acne treatment.
Comedonal acne is the common acne that is usually accompanied by whiteheads and blackheads. Appearing on the face, they are most common on the forehead, nose and chin. The condition is typically caused by the blockage of pores that occurs from dead skin cells and a buildup of a component of the oil of the skin. If the pore is open, the reaction of the oil with the air will turn it black, causing what is known as blackheads to appear. The presence of blackheads does not indicate the presence of dirt. If the pore is closed, the condition will manifest itself in the form of whiteheads.
Comedonal acne, while the most common, can be difficult to get rid of with over-the-counter or home remedies. Often times, professional acne treatment is needed. Our doctor is able to prescribe medications that are not available otherwise that will stop the acne in its tracks. That way, you won’t have to deal with it and the effect it has on your lifestyle every day.
Another reason to seek acne treatment is to prevent the acne from becoming inflamed. When this happens, the condition is referred to as inflammatory acne, which is more serious than the basic comedonal acne. When it becomes inflamed, the skin under the blackheads and whiteheads can turn red. The inflammation can be uncomfortable as well. In addition, if left untreated, the inflammation can turn into an infection. When this happens, you are at risk for permanent scarring.
Cystic acne is the most serious of the acne types. It happens when inflammatory acne gives way to a full infection. The infection can be painful, and the results can be long-lasting, even leaving you with scars after the acne is gone.
If you suspect that your basic acne has progressed to the point where you think you could be developing cystic acne, you should get help from one of our medical professionals right away. With the use of certain medications and treatments, the condition can be brought under control and permanent damage can be avoided.
Since acne can vary in types, and because individuals vary in the way acne affects them, it is a good idea to seek an evaluation from our team at Dr. Yeoman’s Dermatology Office whenever the condition develops. Seeking acne treatment today may prevent having to live with the consequences of not getting help tomorrow and in the years to come. In addition, getting help sooner will enable you to get on with life without having to think about your acne every time you look in the mirror. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Poplar Bluff or Paragould.