What is Cryosurgery?
Cryosurgery is a very effective treatment technique for a wide variety of benign skin conditions. It is ideal for treating lesions in certain areas of the body. [ Read More ]
Cryosurgery is a very effective treatment technique for a wide variety of benign skin conditions. It is ideal for treating lesions in certain areas of the body. [ Read More ]
Skin cancer is not something that should be taken lightly. If it is not treated in a timely fashion, it can lead to some serious and even fatal consequences. One of the interesting things about skin cancer is that it can be easily detected. And the sooner it is detected, the easier it is to treat. [ Read More ]
Skin cancer remains a major concern in the area of public health. Melanoma causes the vast majority, approximately 75%, of all deaths due to skin cancer. The disease can affect anyone, and it is the highest ranking cancer among young adults ages 25 to 29. [ Read More ]
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that affects the skin, causing red, raised, scaly patches on the skin that are often painful and itchy. As with many autoimmune disorders, psoriasis is characterized by "flare-up" episodes in which symptoms are triggered by external or internal stimuli and worsen before resolving until the cycle begins again. [ Read More ]
When you look in the mirror, how do you feel about what you see looking back at you? To be fair, there are days when we are happier with what we see looking back at us than others. But on a daily basis, are you happy with what you see? If the answer is no, is it because you are suffering from acne? [ Read More ]