
Proudly Offering Blu-Light Treatment in Poplar Bluff & Paragould, AR

Common Symptoms of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder that is believed to be an autoimmune disorder with a genetic component. While it can affect anyone of any age, it is most common in people who are between 15 and 35 years old. It affects men and women equally. [ Read More ]

When to Consider Blu-Light Treatment for Acne

Acne is an inconvenient and embarrassing skin condition that can disrupt your daily life. While it may not necessarily be painful, it can leave you with a reddened appearance that makes you look feverish or like you are blushing. Even more, you cannot cover up the pimples with cosmetics. [ Read More ]

Importance of Skin Care in Paragould, AR

Your skin is usually the first thing people notice when they look at you. As the largest organ of the body, your skin is also a good indicator of your general health. In some cases, problems like blemishes, dry skin and moles may be a sign or symptom of a deeper issue. [ Read More ]