Maintain Healthy Skin using Blu-Light Treatment
Healthy skin is something that most people take for granted, especially in their youth. However, when you hit your teenage years and you start to develop acne, or when you hit middle age and start to see some of the negative effects of overexposure to the sun on your face, you realize that healthy skin is a gift.
If you look in the mirror and realize that your clear and healthy skin is a thing of the past, you do not need to give into despair. There are many nonsurgical treatments available that have been shown to help improve the appearance and health of your skin. Among the most successful and effective of these treatments is Blu-Light treatment.
Blu-Light treatment is a form of light therapy. It is designed to be noninvasive while still delivering noticeable results. This type of treatment is most commonly used by individuals who are suffering with acne and those who have skin that has been damaged by the sun. What attracts so many people to the procedure is the fact that it does not require surgery or any sort of incisions, and it is completely pain-free.
The procedure can be used to treat your entire face and your neck. Treatments are relatively fast. Most treatment sessions last between 2-4 hours depending on the area being treated. Blu-Light therapy works regardless of your skin type. If you have pale or darker skin, it doesn’t matter. The procedure works by killing the bacteria responsible for acne. It can calm down overactive oil glands, and it can even destroy precancerous cells when used in conjunction with Levulan®.
This is a state-of-the-art system using the latest in photofacial therapy. The painless light enhances your skin’s ability to rejuvenate itself. It is used with Levulan®, an amino acid medication that is put on the skin to make pre-cancerous sun spots receptive to Blu-Light treatment.
Levulan® is also a powerful tool in helping individuals who are battling with moderate or severe acne. It is a safe and effective alternative to some of the topical treatments offered at pharmacies. It works by accomplishing three things. First, it renders acne-causing bacteria inactive. Second, it gently exfoliates the skin, cleaning out and unplugging your pores. And, finally, it causes oil glands to shut down temporarily. All of these things can lead to long-lasting skin improvement.
Levulan®, when used in combination with Blu-Light therapy, can produce marvelous results for patients who have tried different prescription pills only to have them fail. The results are astonishing, especially when you compare them to oral antibiotics or other topical medicines that only produce sub par results.
Blu-Light therapy is an amazing tool for nonsurgical skin rejuvenation. It can be used on potentially cancerous areas, which will prevent the development of cancer. When Levulan® is used in conjunction with Blu-Light therapy, it is absorbed by precancerous cells. This kills the cells while at the same time leaving healthy skin unharmed. As such, this treatment is revolutionizing the way that people look at treating damaged skin.
The Dermatology Office proudly offers Blu-Light treatment to help you achieve noticeably healthy skin. To serve you with ease and convenience, we have two offices in Poplar Bluff, MO and Paragould, AR. To learn more about how this treatment can help you, schedule a consultation with us today.