October 23, 2017 By Caitlyn McCauley
There are times in life when we all feel like we need a makeover or just a little something to improve our appearance. One of the areas that we often need to address is our skin. When our skin is healthy, we look good. When our skin is not treated in a gentle way, it looks rough and uneven. [ Read More ]
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Tagged With: ARParagouldskin care
August 07, 2017 By Caitlyn McCauley
Not only is your skin the first thing that people usually notice when looking at you, but it is also the largest organ that the body has. The appearance of your skin can become a cosmetic concern, and it is often a reliable indicator of your overall health, which is why it is so vitally important to safeguard. [ Read More ]
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Tagged With: skin care
June 19, 2017 By Caitlyn McCauley
As we get older, the inevitable signs of aging will begin appearing, which is especially noticeable on the face. Lines, wrinkles, and dry skin can really make you look older than your actual years. Most people simply give in to these skin changes, while others choose to fight the good fight. [ Read More ]
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Tagged With: Agingskin care
January 02, 2017 By Caitlyn McCauley
Your skin is the most extensive organ on your body, yet all too often it is taken for granted. We go throughout our busy days and forget to pay attention to our skin. A quick wash and dry in the morning is the best that many people will do for their skin. You need to do more. [ Read More ]
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Tagged With: skin care